Sapphires Mining.
Sapphires are mined from alluvial deposits or from primary underground workings. The mining locations include Myanmar, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Australia, Thailand, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tanzania, Kenya and China. The Logan sapphire, the Star of India and the Star of Bombay originate from Sri Lankan mines. Madagascar is the world leader in sapphire production (as of 2007) specifically its deposits in and around the city of Ilakaka. In 1991 a new sapphire occurrence, similar in quality to that of Kashmir is discovered in southern Madagascar. This is Andranondambo. The occurrences of the Andranondambo area were industrially exploited since 1993 and have been almost abandoned few years later. This, because of difficulties to exploit sapphires in their bedrock. This sapphire has been sold as Kashmir on the international market. Prior to Ilakaka, Australia was the largest producer of sapphires (as of 1987). In 1991, a new sapphire occurrence was discovered in Andranondambo, southern Madagascar. That area was industrially exploited since 1993 and has been almost abandoned few years later because of difficulties of exploiting sapphires in their bedrock. In the United States sapphires have been produced from deposits near Helena, Montana. Gem grade sapphires and rubies are also found in and around Franklin, North Carolina.