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Corundum Crystal

Corundum Crystal
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Clear Quart

Clear Quart
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Amethyst Quart

Amethyst Quart
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Buryl Emerald
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Created & Natural Diamonds.

It’s a captious question turning into a compliment or a provocation in this or that context. So if you are not sure better do not ask your friends about that. This article will help you to have an eye for natural and synthetic diamonds without asking anybody else. Sometimes there's no difference at all until you try to sell the stone.

You‘ll also have an advantage of knowing to what extent you will look substantial wearing this or that diamond. All you need is to clear up a question of how varied in quality diamonds are, how jewelers present them, and to pinpoint the relationship between the substance added and the amount of money spent.

There are natural (also called mined), synthetic (lab-created) and fake (simulated) diamonds. There’s no need to know anything about fake diamonds because they are not diamonds at all. Let’s better find out what mined and lab-created diamonds are and if there are any difference between them.

Mined or natural diamonds are called so because they are got from under the ground. Mother Nature gives them to us or more specifically to Canada, Australia, Russia, South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and some other countries. Natural diamonds were formed many years ago, the amount of them is limited and the defects are frequent. That is why the most big and clear of them are so rare and expensive.

And yet you wouldn’t recognize diamonds if you see them in their natural state of kimberlite pipes. It is also true that not all mined diamonds are gemstones. Some of them are good only for industrial use as cutting tools or abrasives. That is why the small, poorly colored, badly flawed and irregularly shaped natural diamonds are called industrial diamonds (There are synthetic industrial diamonds too).

Synthetic diamonds appear as a result of a special technological process. Such diamonds are also called lab-created because of their origination. They are nothing less than true diamonds. Though a good gemologist can distinguish natural diamond from a high quality synthetic one with the help of special equipment, though it’s getting harder as manufacturing technology improves.

It’s useful to know that the quality of settings speaks for the quality of gems. For example, a high quality synthetic diamond easily mistakable for a mined diamond is usually set in solid 14-karat gold or platinum and no imperfection can be seen with the naked eye. It costs about $100 per karat for the gemstone alone. No need to say that such diamonds cannot be mounted in silver or Vermeil framework.

So all you need for a cursory valuation is to look at the setting first. You will easily find out that jewelers wouldn’t ever give a good gem as a sacrifice of a cheap setting. That is to say they put everything in its place. If you need a gem as a good money investment then consult a jeweler you trust before buying any diamond to avoid surprises in future.