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Corundum Crystal

Corundum Crystal
Nice jewelry from Thailand make by Corundum...

Clear Quart

Clear Quart
It's known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and....

Amethyst Quart

Amethyst Quart
Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone. It.....

Buryl Emerald

Buryl Emerald
Emeralds in antiquity were mined by the Egyptians and.....

7-Steps Women-Only Algorithm

7-Steps Women-Only Algorithm
Step 1. First, the “bend and snap” – a broken nose is the best way to get closer. If it’s not love at first sight and the catchiest snap, then go to

Step 2. Money. When he invites you to a restaurant tell him that you’ve got fascinating earrings and haven’t got a necklace to put on with an absolutely stunning dress you found in Vogue but haven’t, by the way, bought yet. He will buy them both while he’s in love. And afterwards, when he wakes out of the trance, he will count how much money he's invested in you and will have a fierce desire to legalize his investment by marrying you. If it’s not enough for his liberality, go to

Step 3. Jealousy. Use the men's primitive mentality, "If somebody else's interested, then I'm interested, too. If nobody is interested, then this woman/girl is not worth even looking at." So, show him that there are at least two more candidates thirsty for your hand/body/love/benevolent glance. Send a bouquet of flowers with a card for yourself and tell him that you are tired of this admirer. If he appears too depressed by your non-existent caballero, go to

Step 4. Food. What is the single's "every day's special"? It's coffee at work and gherkins at home. That is why they are easily baited with good home-cooked food. Which does not necessarily mean that you will spend the rest of your life cooking for him. Let's say till you get married, that'll do. Most cases end up in marriages after a satisfying dinner, but if it’s not enough, especially if the man lives with his mother, press him next, and go to

Step 5. Hysterics. From time to time go into hysterics making pauses to become a really nice bunny. Such unpredictable behavior stimulates and interests men. If he still resists, and you do not break up, carry heavy metal – go to

Step 6. Lewinsky’s trick. But do it for a marriage not for publicity. If he doesn’t kill you, he will marry you. If not, and you are still alive, then go to

Step 7. Pregnancy. Pretend that you are pregnant (and you'd better obtain real pregnancy after a marriage just in case your man appears to be a nasty bastard). Oh, don't worry about your little cheat. He won't check anything (at least if he does, there's always the way out to say, "Oops! False alarm!"). But still the former is more likely just because male's brain is adjusted to stop working once the ears hear the words, "I'm pregnant". And a sudden fear/euphoria literally enforces a man to make a proposal. So, if he believes you he will marry you.

And finally, if you get through to the seventh step and at last he asks you to marry him, think, whether you really want to marry this manipulated by a woman, wasteful and depressed mamma's darling with a broken nose! So, do not take this algorithm seriously.